Happy in Your Current HR Role? Consider These 3 Reasons Why You Deserve a Promotion

A major factor that contributes to career satisfaction is feeling challenged and growing professionally. It is important to regularly assess your current situation to ensure you don’t remain complacent and end up feeling unfulfilled. Even if you are happy in your current HR role, consider these three reasons why you deserve a promotion:


1. You Have Developed New Skills or Solutions 

Promotions are not recognition for a job well done or for showing loyalty by staying in a position for a certain amount of time – rather, they are generally awarded based on having the necessary hard and soft skills to succeed in a role with more responsibility and/or authority. If you have upskilled and gained valuable new areas of expertise or came up with innovative new ideas to make your department more successful, you are in an advantageous position to demonstrate that you belong at a higher level. 


2. You Have Made Your Boss’s Workload Easier 

When making the decision on who to promote, bosses are likely to consider which of their employees has made it clear they are a dedicated team player. If you have consistently volunteered to help your boss and colleagues and gone the extra mile to help the department succeed, rather than just focusing on solely your own job duties, you are deserving of a promotion.  You clearly show you are committed to doing what it takes to achieve departmental and organizational goals.


3. You Have Gone Above and Beyond in Your Current Role 

Even if an employee has the skills and experience to qualify for a higher-level position, bosses want to have as much objective evidence as possible to feel like they are making the most informed decision. The best indicator of future success is a track record of consistently high performance; therefore, if you have excelled and gone the extra mile in your current role, this makes it clear that you are justified in being selected for a promotion. 


Find Job Opportunities 

Explore the possibilities and see what HR jobs are out there by teaming up with The Hire Firm. We will connect you with job opportunities from area employers that are the best fit for your needs.  Get in touch today to get started. 

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